Grant Writing

Grant Writing


SRS is a full-service grant writing company.  We help you get results!  From inception of an idea to completion of a finished grant proposal, we're here for you.  Our services included: a research and review of RFP, complete proposal development, submission, and follow-up. We go beyond just writing the proposal.  We provide technical assistance throughout the process to help your organization position itself for funding. 

SRS grant writers prepare all types of grant proposals, including federal, state, county, city, private foundations, faith-based funders, corporate giving programs, and others.  We assess the strengths of your organization and its ability to meet the guidelines of the grant.  We want you to be successful in administering the grant once funded. 

Grant writing is a shared responsibility.  Like any other project you are required to participate in the development of the project by sharing information/documentation requested of the funding agency. 

Training & Technical Assistance

SRS works with your team to provide the training necessary for your organization to be successful.  We can provide training in person, at your location or virtually. 

Training Topics

  • Grant-writing
  • Corporate Matters 
  • Finance
  • Strategic Planning

For technical assistance in establishing a for profit or nonprofit corporation, establishing policies and procedures, corporate matters, or strategic and business plannings, contact Strategic Resources and Solutions, Inc. Contact us below to get started!

Contact Our Team

Host a Seminar

Strategic Resources and Solutions, Inc. would love to partner with you to bring a workshop to your community.  For hosting an event at a facility you provide, you will receive:

  1.  *One complimentary seats in the workshop
  2.  *Great public relations and an opportunity to showcase your agency
  3.  *A link to your agency on our website
  4.  * Your logo and agency name displayed on all printed materials as a sponsoring agency

Financial incentive - For each enrollment of 15, you will receive an additional complimentary seat in the seminar and/or receive the dollar value for the seat or an agreed upon dollar value per enrollment.   


 As a hosting agency, you are expected to provide:

  • a training room large enough to host a class of 15+ students (Avoid gymnasiums, cafeterias and other "acoustically challenged" rooms)
  • a u-shaped (horseshoe style) seating arrangement with ample long tables and chair space for each participant to work
  • a projection screen suitable for LCD projection or ample wall space for projection
  • live high-speed internet connection and web access in the training room
  • restroom facilities and break area

We require a minimum of 15 students to bring this training to your area.  Our goal is 30. Your responsibility is to recruit participants for the seminar by:

  • Distributing the flyer regarding the seminar
  • E-mailing individuals in your contact list with the seminar announcement
  • Advertising the event on your website, bulletin board, newsletter, association, etc.
  • Directing participants to register on our website.
  • Assisting with on-site registration on the day of the seminar
  • Providing a local person to serve as a contact for participants and answer their local questions
  • Coordinating the registrations

If you would like to sponsor a seminar in your city or at your site, give us a call. To discuss the seminar accommodations, benefits and requirements, e-mail us or call 954-907-5462.

Contact Our Team

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 

Book an appointment
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